sábado, 2 de junio de 2012

Project and Rubric
Project for an English Class: Animals, Environment, Health, Wildlife.
Students describe animals and the importance of these and how they are helpful to people. They also talk about conservation of animals in danger of extinction.
Students visit natural parks and observe different species of animals, plants, flowers, etc. In order to keep this places clean ti sustain life, they apply a project RRR (rReduce,reuse,Recycle)

                                                  PRODUCTO No.15,   SESION: 4  RUBRICA PARA EVALUAR EL PROJECTO “VISITA AL ZOOLOGICO”
Descripción de los desempeños de los estudiantes.
El alumno investigo lo más importante de 6 animales a describir en su recorrido por el zoológico y lo redacto de manera documental.

El alumno explicó durante el recorrido cada uno de sus animales investigados, mostrando y motivando a los visitantes a seguir escuchándole.

El alumno en su explicación como guía del recorrido habló solo en Inglés para que todos fueran comprendiendo y practicando las habilidades lingüísticas.

El alumno realizó su explicación de manera muy fluida en el idioma Inglés, con una velocidad moderada y sin titubear.

El Alumno contestó correctamente a algunos cuestionamientos de los presentes durante el recorrido al zoológico.


Secuencia Didáctica
Producto # 14
                                        "A VISIT TO THE ZOO"
This task-based Activity is intended to support interaction and fun, as well as to stress values and consciousness of wildlife and environment.
 Communicative skills will be developed fully.
This assignment is designed for a Total Immersion of the Target Language in contact with Nature.

 Simple Present, Future, Idiomatic Future,
 Simple Past, etc.
Description, nouns, countries, adjectives,
comparative, superlative, etc.

 A.-The group will plan a trip to the zoo or to a natural park.(Africam)
B.-Students will find out and collect information in advance to report
      to parents, students, and teachers.
C.-The report will include description of animals, parts of the body,
      classification, environment, habitat, food, reproduction,gestation, etc .
D.-Students will compare animals with short and long adjectives;they will also state the highest qualities for superlative.
E.-The trip to the zoo will have a sequence of sights to be reported orally.
F.-Attendants and Participants will take turns asking or reporting information.
G.-The target language will be spoken only, and Spanish, the mother tongue will be avoided.
H.-If the trip would not be possible, students will design a presentationwith images and illustrations of animals and pets from Google internet site,to be developed in the classroom.
 I)-The presentation will be developed orally and visually in the virtual room.
      One by one will explain every slide with the most important information.
       (students will practice useful expressions).
J).-It is suggested that after the presentation or trip, to conclude the
      assignment, students dress up wearing costumes of animals and report
      to the group some of the characteristics and way of living of the animal. 
At the End of the Task-Rehearsal the students will achieve new vocabulary
 and communicative skills, as well as performance of the target language.


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